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Electronic Monitoring

Young people committed to DYRS and residing in the community may be required to wear a GPS device as part of the agency’s electronic monitoring program. Electronic monitoring technology allows the agency to track the location of an individual in real-time to ensure that he or she is complying with any pre-determined travel restrictions or curfews. DYRS then receives alerts when a youth is not where he or she is supposed to be. The agency, in partnership with the DC Metropolitan Police Department and Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia, then takes whatever action is necessary to ensure that public safety goals are being met. 

The agency may contact families to inquire about the whereabouts of their youth if they are not where they are supposed to be.

If your youth’s GPS device is beeping, that could mean that the battery is low and needs charging. If the GPS device keeps beeping even after it has been fully charged, the youth should contact his or her case manager. If your youth’s GPS stops working properly, please ask your youth to contact his or her case manager and the DYRS Abscondence Unit immediately to report the problem.