Hey, DYRS Youth, You're not alone - you've got a whole squad of people rooting for you! Despite the challenges life might be throwing your way, you've got what it takes to overcome them. Your past doesn't determine your future. You've got the power to turn things around and carve out a bright path for yourself. Take control, make positive choices, and create the life you deserve. Don't be afraid to lean on the resources and support around you – they're there to help you succeed. Stay strong, stay focused, and never lose hope. You can achieve greatness, and success is within reach. Keep pushing forward, and never stop believing in yourself. You've got this!
The Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services (DYRS) offers services to non-committed, committed, and post-committed youth in the District of Columbia.
Achievement Centers
The Achievement Center (AC) is the Positive Youth Justice hub of DYRS’s community-based initiatives. Here, DYRS youth and youth in the District find access to support, resources, and pro-social opportunities.
Learn more about the Achievement Centers here.
Academics, Career & Post-Committed Services
The DYRS Academics, Career & Post-Committed Services is a multifaceted division that includes public and private employer partners. Focusing on pathways for employment opportunities for youth by building their knowledge, strengthening their skills, and expanding their experience, workforce development provides hard and soft skills training, financial literacy, and tools for educational advancement with a specific focus on skill set development for in-demand fields that offer a livable wage. The program is unique in that it only trains in fields for which we have identified job availability.
Learn more about our services here.