Notice of Funding Availability- Credible Messenger Initiative
This Request for Applications (RFA) announces the agency’s intention to invest in community-based organizations to provide the most rigorous, effective, appropriate supports and services for our youth. The Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services (DYRS) seeks eligible entities to provide transformative mentoring and family engagement services to DYRS youth and their families. DYRS encourages applicants with unique proposal ideas for rehabilitation as we seek to innovate the breadth and extent of services provided to our youth and their families. DYRS anticipates selecting multiple entities to participate for a period of one year – starting October 1, 2024 – with the flexibility to renew awards for up to three years – pending awardee performance and availability of funding. Entities seeking funding will receive awards of approximately $100,000 to $500,000. Proposed budgets should be reasonable and reflect, to the best of their ability, accurate expenses to be incurred during the award period.
Beginning 5/31/2024, the full text of the Request for Applications (RFA) will be available on the DYRS website. A person may obtain a copy of this RFA by any of the following means:
- Download from the DYRS website, Select the Doing Business with DYRS tab and click on the request for applications link.
- Email a request to [email protected] with “Request copy of Credible Messenger Initiative RFA” in the subject line.
- Write DYRS at 450 H Street, NW 7th Floor, Washington, DC 20001, “Attn: DYRS Grants – FY25 Credible Messenger Initiative RFA” on the outside of the envelope.
The deadline for application submissions is 7/8/2024, at 4:30 p.m. All applications must be submitted through the ZoomGrants system.
Eligibility: All the checked institutions below may apply for these grants.
- Nonprofit organizations, including those with IRS 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) determinations
- Faith-based organizations
- Government agencies
- Universities/educational institutions
- Private Enterprises
For additional information regarding this RFA, write to: [email protected]
Credible Messenger Initiative RFA FY25
Appendix 1 - General Terms and Conditions
Appendix 2 - Promises Certifications Assertions Assurances
Appendix 3 - Grant Budget Template
Appendix 4 - Staffing Structure and Job Descriptions
Administrative Oversight of Building Blocks DC
The Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services (DYRS) is seeking one (1) Administrative Oversight agency for Fiscal Year 2024 (October 1, 2023, through September 30, 2024) with a continuation option for Fiscal Year 2025 (October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2025) to support the delivery of community-based approaches aimed at reducing gun violence, promoting healthy neighborhoods, and improving outcomes for youth in the District. The Administrative Oversight Agency shall manage the day-to-day operations related to programs and services offered under Building Blocks DC (BBDC) as well as provide technical support to grantees and program providers (subgrantees). The Administrative Oversight Agency will also organize and manage the programs and special events that will occur in the community. The Administrative Oversight Agency will be required to report to DYRS and the Office of Gun Violence Prevention (OGVP). The amount available for the project is up to $1.9 million per year. DYRS reserves the right to extend any grant for up to two (1) single-year option periods. The grant period may be extended, and additional funding may be provided, pending the availability of funds and grantee performance.
Beginning 6/23/2023, the full text of the Request for Applications (RFA) will be available on the DYRS website. The deadline for application submissions is 7/21/2023 at 4:30 pm ET. All applications must be submitted via email at [email protected].
BuildingBlocksDC Grant Cover Page
BuildingBlocksDC RFA
Appendix 1 - General Term and Conditions
Appendix 2 - Promises, Certifications, Assertions, Assurances
Appendix 3 - Grant Budget Template
Oasis Reserve for Youth Training
The Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services (DYRS) seeks eligible entities to provide training in the construction trades and soft skills development to youth while designing and building the Oasis Reserve, a new outdoor environmental campus for youth and family outdoor education environmental programming. The amount available for the project is up to $1.7 million for a 2-month period starting August 2023.
Beginning 6/30/2023, the full text of the Request for Applications (RFA) will be available on the DYRS website. The deadline for application submissions is 7/7/2023 at 4:30pm ET. All applications must be submitted via email at [email protected].
Application Cover Page
Appendix 1 - General Term and Condition
Appendix 2 - Promises Certifications Assertions Assurances
Appendix 3 - Grant Budget Template
Appendix 4 - OASIS Insurance Requirements
Appendix 5 - Quitclaim Conservation Easement
Administrative Oversight of the Achievement Center Programming Initiative
The Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services (DYRS) is seeking one (1) Administrative Oversight agency for Fiscal Year 2024 (October 1, 2023, through September 30, 2024) to support the delivery of Achievement Center–based services. While DYRS operates and oversees case management and coordinates care for all youth committed to the agency, the Administrative Oversight agency shall manage the day-to-day operations related to programs offered at the Achievement Centers as well as provide technical support to program providers (subgrantees) and assist DYRS staff to organize and manage programs and special events that occur at the Achievement Centers. The amount available for the project is up to $3.2 million for a 12-month period starting October 2023. This funding also covers subgrants for Achievement Center programming and services.
Beginning 6/2/2023, the full text of the Request for Applications (RFA) will be available on the DYRS website. The deadline for application submissions is 7/3/2023 at 4:30 pm ET. All applications must be submitted via Zoomgrants at
AC - Grant Application Cover Page
Appendix 1 - General Term and Conditions
Appendix 2 - Promises, Certifications, Assertions, Assurances
Appendix 3 - Grant Budget Template
FISCAL YEAR 2021 (FY21) Building Blocks DC Gun Prevention Mini-Grants
- Progressive Life Center (PLC) and Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services (DYRS) in partnership with Building Blocks DC (BBDC), is collaborating to reduce gun violence in neighborhoods one block at a time.
Notice of Funding Availability- Service Coalition Development
- DYRS seeks eligible entities to propose innovative enrichment programming and activities to support D.C. court-involved youth and their families. Applications are due on August 5, 2019 at 4:30pm.
Notice of Funding Availability- Capacity Building RFA
- DYRS seeks eligible entities to propose an implementation plan for a comprehensive and coordinated system of programs and services for DC court-involved youth. Applications are due on June 10, 2019 at 4:30pm.