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DC YouthLink Quarterly Performance Report FY2011 Quarter 4

Monday, March 5, 2012
Report also compares Year-to-Year data.

DC YouthLink is a non-profit coalition of organizations that has partnered with DYRS to successfully reintegrate juvenile offenders into their communities by providing a host of services and supports to the youth and their families. DC YouthLink is working with local and national partners to improve the community reentry process so that the needs of DYRS youth, the family and the communities to which they return are being met.

In an effort to improve performance and promote accountability, DYRS monitors the services provided to the agency’s young people through the DC YouthLink initiative. The results of DYRS’ research regarding community-based service provision are reported quarterly in a report.

Highlights from the most recent Quarterly Performance Report, which reports on performance through September 30, 2011, include:

1. In FY2011 DC YouthLink expanded service linkages across all Positive Youth Justice Domains. Compared to FY2010 there was:
a. 27% growth in the number of youth served
b. 63% growth in the service linkages per youth
c. Growth in all domains, including relationships, work, education, health, community and creativity

2. FY2011 showed improvements across several public safety outcomes for youth enrolled in DC YouthLink, including:
a. 60% drop in youth charged with murder, falling from 5 to 2
b. 25% drop in the percent of youth having their community placement revoked
c. 33% drop in the percent of youth on abscondence on any single day, and a 3% drop in the number of overall youth absconding

3. The FY2011 4th Quarter data reflects improvement in several public safety outcomes:
a. No DC YouthLink youth was charged with murder
b. Lower rates of youth revoked or on abscondence compared to prior quarters

4. Significant growth in the percent of youth linked to job readiness programming in FY2011 Q4:
a. DC YouthLink nearly doubled the percent of youth enrolled in work readiness programming, from 16% to 29% in one quarter