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FY21 ADP |
FY21 ADP Rate |
FY22 ADP |
FY22 ADP Rate |
Hero Image Homepage Block![]() Welcome to the Department of Youth Rehabilitation ServicesAn ANC (Advisory Neighborhood Commission) is a non-partisan, neighborhood body each made up of locally elected representatives called Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners. They are a unique feature of the District's Home Rule Charter. |
09/01/2023 Committed to Excellence |
02/01/2023 Relaunch of our newsletter, Committed to Excellence |
Testimony of Sam Abed Director of the District of Columbia Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services.
(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – District youth participating in community-based support services displayed gains in program enrollment, engagement, retention, and completion during the second quarter (January-March) of the 2012 fiscal year, according to performance results announced today by the D.C. Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services (DYRS).
Homepage Blocks CTA 3 blue blocks![]() NON-COMMITTED YOUTH AND FAMILIESThe Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services (DYRS) offers a variety of programs and services for non-committed youth and families through the Achievement Centers. ![]() COMMITTED YOUTHThe Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services (DYRS) is responsible for the supervision, custody, and care of young people charged with a delinquent act in the District of Columbia.
![]() WITHIN THE DISTRICT GOVERNMENTPart of the District government's Public Safety and Justice cluster, DYRS reports to the Deputy Mayor for Public Safety and Justice. Legislatively, DYRS reports to the Committee on Recreation and Youth Affairs which is part of the Council of the District of Columbia. Additional ResourcesFind health, food, housing, and more, anywhere! |
Our Locations Homepage BlockOur LocationsHeadquarters + China Town Achievement Center450 H Street NW MLK Achievement Center2101 MLK Jr. Avenue SE Youth Services Center1000 Mount Olivet Road NE New Beginnings Youth Development Center8400 River Road
Join Our Team Homepage BlockJoin Our TeamWe are always looking for talented and passionate individuals. |